Product nameUsage areas
ALGINIC ACIDAlginic acids and derivatives are polysaccharides. Alginic acid with a molecule weight of 20000 –240000,
Although it is limited to water, it is a substance that absorbs water well.
Amino acid with 45% Herbal originIt is a vegetable origin amino acid solution containing nitrogen with high organic matter (humic + fulvic acid). It ensures fast, healthy and bushy growth of plants. It encourages smooth flowering, high fruit number and quality. It shortens the harvest time and provides earliness in the product.
Ammonium Sulphate E 551Ammonium sulfate is a rhombic white crystal with an odorless but salty taste. When heated to 235 oC, it decomposes and dissolves easily in water. Dissolution in water is an acid reaction. It is insoluble in alcohol or acetone. It can absorb water. It can give ammonia gas when reacted with alkalis.
Zinc ChlorideZinc (II) chloride, also known as zinc butter, is an inorganic salt that is highly soluble in water and is often used as a catalyst and in organic synthesis as a disinfectant.
Copper Sulphate PentahydrateCopper sulfate, also known as bluestone, is a blue and odorless substance. Density: 1.02 g/cm³. It is completely soluble in water. All copper compounds are toxic to all kinds of aquatic life. Copper ions; They kill fish, algae, protozoa and bacteria at doses below 1 mg/liter. Shellfish such as oysters and mussels also die when exposed to 0.1-0.55 mg/liter copper ions for 12 hours.
GLYCINEGlycine is an apolar amino acid with the formula NH₂CH₂COOH. Glycine codons GGU, GGC, GGA, GGG cf. It is the genetic code. Structurally, it is the simplest among the 20 amino acids found in proteins. Its side chain consists of only one hydrogen atom.
FULVIC ACIDHumic acids formed by the humus in the soil are effective in the fertility of the soil. Chemical residues remaining in the soil reduce the amount of humus in the soil and make the soil weak in terms of nutrients. Humic fulvic acid is supplemented externally to increase nutritional values and strengthen the soil. Humic acids generally make the soils black and dark brown.
MAGNESIUM SULPHATEMagnesium sulfate, popularly known as English salt, has nothing to do with salt. It is in the form of a white transparent powder and dissolves when placed in water.
CALCIUM NITRATECalcium Nitrate, white colored granular structure, two nutrients, very easy in water
It is a fertilizer that dissolves and can be taken immediately by the plant. 15.5% in
It contains nitrogen (N) and 26.5% calcium oxide (CaO). in nitrate form
POTASSIUM CARBONATE – E 501Potassium carbonate; It is used in industrial products, glass, ceramics, explosives, fertilizers and glazing industry, personal care products, production of soft soaps, food industry, production of inorganic salts, dyes and wool finishing.
POTASSIUM SILICATEPotassium Silicate provides up to 80% benefit in plant root development with its contribution to the bacteria in the soil in the field of agriculture, and also protects the plant from negative external factors as a result of direct application on the plant.
Citric Acid Monohydrate E-330It is used as acidifier, flavoring agent, preservative and pH control agent in foods and beverages.
EDDHA FE-61) Soil Type: It gets results faster in sandy, light textured soils. 2) Soil Moisture: It gets results faster in damp soils. 3) The effect on warm soils: higher than on cold soils.
GLYCERIN Farma E422 (GLYCEROL)A colorless hygroscopic liquid, miscible with liquid and alcohol, insoluble in ether and chloroform.
SEA WEED EXTRACTAscophyllum nodosum type seaweeds that grow in the seas and large oceans have an important place in terms of agriculture because they have high levels of Organic matter, Potassium, Microelements, Mannitol, Vitamins, and Plant hormones (Gibberellin, Auxin, Cytokinin).
Mono Ethanol AmineEthanolamine or monoethanolamine is an organic chemical compound with the formula The molecule is bifunctional, containing both a primary amine and a primary alcohol.